Reactivate your drawing skills with bikablo® visual facilitation

In almost every meeting or workshop I hear the same sentence: “I CAN’T DRAW!” In the early ages of our life we start to draw naturally. As soon as the kids can talk they explain their ideas in drawings. They present their ideas to their parents. Maybe you know sentences like “Daddy that’s YOU”. These first awesome drawings are very similar to the drawings that we need today in our business life to explain and solve complex problems. This article explains why and how to reactivate your drawing skills.

Younito Man

Maybe you aren’t an artist but you can draw

Something went terribly wrong! How could it happen that we were once able to explain our thoughts in pictures and over the years we lost this skill? In my school education a couple of teachers told me that I couldn’t draw but what they really meant was that I am not an artist. But somehow I took away that statement, as I CAN’T EXPLAIN IDEAS BY DRAWING and that is where I was terribly wrong for almost 20 years of my life! I don’t have to be an artist to explain something in pictures and you neither! Our children are maybe not the next Picasso. However they do three great things when they draw for us:

  • Explain the idea!
    The child uses words and symbols to explain their idea. If they draw a big circle with a tiny circle on top and put the word “Daddy” next to it – the idea is in your head! There is a big round shaped man on the paper!
  • Engage with others!
    If you are that big round shaped “Daddy” you might feel something? Maybe you think about your next diet? You instantly engage with the idea your kid just told you.
  • Show yourself!
    The child also shows itself because it presents how it sees the world. You might also be impressed by the skill your youngster has and by the love it shows when presenting the masterpiece to you!

A hand full of key symbols

Now you know that you don’t have to be an artist to explain your ideas but I wouldn’t recommend that you go into your meeting and draw in front of people without some kind of technique and preparation. This could go wrong because even symbolic drawing takes time! What you need are a hand full of key symbols and step-by-step drawing technique that you can rely on in your next meeting.

At this point we step into the land of Bikablo: Bikablo® is an easy to learn visual facilitation technique created by the kommunikationslotsen in Germany. Over the last 10 years thousands of people in Europe have learnt this technique. Bikablo is based on 10 easy principles and guides you to have a quick start into visual facilitation. You will be able to draw simple, fast and good looking drawings to convey your idea, engage and be yourself.

Do the bikablo training with us

If you are interested, you are welcome at the Visual Facilitation User Group in Melbourne or book in your next bikablo training (Melbourne / Sydney) .

Marcel van Hove

Marcel combines agile team coaching with visual thinking. Marcel believes that a group of people drawing together on a whiteboard can change the world. He loves high-performing teams and therefore coaches teams every day.

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