Kate Baxter on using the graphic skills to live your dream

Younito Man

Kate Baxter

Kate is a recognised expert within the global community of visual practitioners, with a specialism and passion for digital mediums of capture. With over 7 years experience globally as a graphic facilitator, scribing sessions across Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, New York, Houston, Delhi, Barcelona and London.

In the latest episode of Visual Friends podcast, we interview talented and fabulous Kate Baxter – a recognised expert in the global community of visual practitioners and an amazing graphic facilitator with a passion for all things digital.

Learn about how Kate, a reluctant and shy scribe with a background in fine art, went from thinking she can’t do it to successfully scribing for big clients all around the world. Find out what helped her transition from scribing on a whiteboard to nailing it as a digital graphic facilitator. Kate shares advice on how to develop your own style and deal with difficult topics talks about the challenges of this profession and what you need to succeed in this job.

We hope you’ll find it as interesting as we did. Enjoy!

The article was written by Natalia Tsygankova. Natalia has always loved words and talking to people. She has put that passion to good use and has been sharing people’s stories in the community radio, TV and print media for the last 10 years. Natalia is also a big fan of true storytelling events and regularly volunteers at the most famous one – The Moth, interviewing the winner. You can hear her own story of moving to Australia from Russia in 1999 here. Natalia believes that everyone has a story – So what’s yours? Contact her today to share your story.

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