Negotiation & Deals

The template “Chatlog” offers a division into left and right. This back and forth is well suited for representing different viewpoints. An example here would be a pros and cons list. In the upper area, there is space for the heading.
Leading questions:
- What is our party / side saying?
- What does the other party / side reply?
- What questions should we ask the other party / side?
- What open questions do we (still) have?
The balance

Leading questions:
- What do we need to succeed?
- What does the other side need to succeed?
- Does the scale feel balanced?
- Do we have a fair deal?
- What do we need to achieve a win-win situation?
- What does one side and what does the other bring?
Similar to the “Chatlog” template, “The balance” offers a dichotomy between the left and the right side or two different parties. In contrast to the “Chatlog” template, however, the question arises whether the scales are in balance. The lower banner is space for a heading.