Agenda & Project Plans

The “Roadmap” template represents a direct route from the start (bottom left) to the finish (checkered flag). It is ideal for visualizing an agenda. Place arrows as an agenda item along the way. Check out our “Learn to draw for free” tutorial in the main menu.
Leading questions:
- Are there any questions about today's agenda?
- Are there any questions about today's process?
- Is our agenda complete?
- Which agenda item should we also include?
- Which interim goals, obstacles or milestones do we have to achieve at a minimum?
- What do we want to do if we leave the planned agenda?
- How do we know we're getting closer to the goal of the day?
- When was this a successful day?
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Journey to the summit

The “Journey to the summit” template visualizes the project plan as a trip. The ascent up the mountain is a challenge that should not be underestimated. Each peak represents a possible project goal. The banner at the top of the template can be used for heading.
Leading questions:
Planning the trip:
- Where is the destination of our trip?
- Which peak should be reached?
- When are we successful?
- What is the destination of our trip in one sentence?
- Can there be an intermediate goal along the way?
- What intermediate goals (safe base camps) are there?
- What obstacles could there be on the way?
- What do we need to climb the mountain?
- What can affect the climb from outside (weather)?
The journey starts:
- Do we have everything for a successful ascent?
- Can we start without XY?
- What's our first step?
- Which intermediate goal (base camp) do we want to reach first?
- What steps are necessary to reach the first base camp?
- What are the risks of ascent?
- How can we protect ourselves against the risks?
- What does a relaxed (exhausting) climb look like?
- What could steal our energy?
- What obstacles can we already see on the horizon?
Base camp or peak reached:
- Take a look back the way we came - what can we be proud of?
- What did we do well?
- What could we learn so far?
- What knowledge do we take with us for further ascent?
- Have we reached the top?
- What is still missing?
The safe descent - take your time and say thank you:
- What do you take with you for the next project?
- Which peak are we going to climb next?
- What did you learn?
- What are you grateful for?
- Who do you want to thank?
- What will you say about the project in 2-3 years?
- Are there things still unsaid?
- What would you like to say before the project ends?
Recommended Icons:
Treasure map

The “Treasure Map” template is well suited for visualizing more complex project plans. Like the old saying ‘many roads lead to Rome’, many (dashed) paths can lead from the starting point to the destination (treasure, top right).
Leading questions:
The treasure hunt begins
- What do we know about the treasure?
- Why do we want to find the treasure?
- What exactly is different when we have found the treasure?
- Where did we look already?
- Can we divide the map into areas (search areas)?
- What have we found / learned so far?
- Can there be more treasures?
- Have we already found a little treasure?
The treasure is found
- What do we do with the treasure now?
- How can we get the treasure?
- What do we do next?
- How do we divide the treasure?
- What are you grateful for?
- Whom do you want to thank?
- What will you say about the treasure hunt (project) in 2-3 years?
- What would you like to say before the project ends?